Beginners Guide To: Dogs

Research suggests dog owners are likely to be fitter and happier than those without a pup. As if this isn’t enough to convince you that you need a tiny, loving companion, they are also adorable, loyal and soon become a valued member of your family.

So today, I’m giving you crash course in owning a dog.

The first, most important thing to take into account before getting a pup, is to find out which one is most suited to your circumstances. You’ll need to think about how much time you can dedicate to them, and if where you live is suitable for walks, and generally raising a happy, content pup. Time also is paramount as the amount of time you invest in your dog, is directly correlated to how many tricks your dog knows, and how well behaved your dog is.

The next thing is cost. The first year is one of the most expensive, but also paramount. There’s also, the bare minimum you can spend, but you can also be more extravagant, with toys, treats etc.

Be prepared for mess. A lot of mess. This mostly applies to puppies, as they like to test to see if everything is edible, and also sometimes they play interior decorator and just feel you don’t need your current carpet, skirting boards or curtains.

But once you’ve trained and spoiled your pup, the rewards really are endless. So now I’m going to stop listing requirements and considerations and just show you how amazing and fulfilling they are to have in your family. Big or small, loud or timid, our puppy posse shows you how real angels look.

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They really are members of the family once you get one. I urge everyone to have a dog at some point in yourย lifetime, if you can realistically care for one. Unfortunately, not everyone can, but even more unfortunately, people make commitments to these guys, with no intention of keeping them. So today I’m sharing with you a link that by answering a daily question,ย right or wrong,ย Freekibble donatesย 10 pieces of kibble to Animal Shelters to help feed their hungry dogs. Add it to your bookmarks, and just by answering their daily question, you’re helping out dogs that really need it.

also s/o to the dude that assisted me today, an excellent photographer.

2 thoughts on “Beginners Guide To: Dogs

  1. These are just the cutest dogs ever! Before I met my boyfriends dog, I didn’t think I would ever want to own one myself. Now I would love to have a dog one day! Preferably a border collie ๐Ÿ™‚ Also going to check out the Freekibble questions ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Thank you so much for reading! They really are amazing, we’ve always had at least one border collie, they are so smart and lovely dogs! And definitely do! It’s such a good cause ๐Ÿ™‚

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