July Favourites

Well here we are guys and dolls, another two months has passed and that can only mean one thing; another favourites! Don’t worry, I’m not going to talk about how fast the time has gone and how I really cannot believe it’s August already. I’m thinking it for sure, but I shan’t mention it. Ok let’s get right into what things and products I’ve been loving this past month!

July Favourites

Sweet Peas | These guys have really been thriving in our garden lately, and that means there’s always plenty in the house! They are really gorgeous colours, and they are one of my favourite scents.

Collection’s Extreme Felt tip Eyeliner | This product is insane. I bought it one day just to have it in my bag, but from using it, I’ve been obsessed ever since, and I haven’t been using any other eyeliner since. Recently I even tested it against the YSL felt tip eyeliner, and the Collection one lasted longer and even stayed on in water.

All About The Eyes Palette | When I’ve been having a bit more time to do my makeup I’ve been loving adding an orange toned gold to my eyes, as I feel it really brings out the blue of them. This palette is also amazing for creating a smoky eye effect, so for me it’s a perfect day-to-night palette.July Favourites

Lancôme’s L’absolu Rouge in #06 ‘Rose Nu’ | This lipstick brings out the pink of the lips, while still keeping your whole look natural. I’ve been loving it for a long time now, but especially this month when I’ve been wearing slightly more on my eyes, I want a lipstick that’s lightweight and lightly pigmented, so altogether it isn’t too much.

Salon Professional Ultra Hold Hairspray | I’ve mentioned this hairspray before, but I’ve never stopped loving it. I’ve particularly been using it recently because these amazing summer days are lovely, but a gust of wind can really ruin a hairstyle, so I’ve been using this for securing my style so it’s weather-proof.

That’s it for my July Favourites! What have you guys been loving this past month? Let me know!

5 thoughts on “July Favourites

    1. They are! And so affordable! That’s why I can’t believe how much I love the eyeliner, I’m usually spending quite a bit on them, but this one is a whole new category! 🙂


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